Beach Towel, Blanket & Seat Cushion – Subject to search
One Unopened Bottle of Water - Limit one bottle per person.
Fanny Packs/Small Back Pack/Purse – Subject to search.
Digital Cameras - Non-professional digital cameras are allowed. DSLR cameras or those with a removable lens are not allowed inside the festival.
Disposable Cameras
Film Cameras (non-professional)
Soft Lawn chairs - Please remove from the bag so both items can be searched.
Strollers – Subject to search.
Cell Phones
Mobility/accessibility equipment with proof of requirement. All items and patrons are subject to additional inspection prior to entering the concert bowl. We appreciate your patience for this required safety protocol.
Bottles, Cans, Thermoses & Other Beverage Containers
Professional Cameras - DSLR cameras or those with a removable lens are not allowed.
Laptop Computers
Laser Pointer Devices
Promotional/Advertising or Sale Materials, not approved by Rockin’ The Fields of Minnedosa. Anyone found to be in violation of this policy will be removed from the festival grounds.
Selfie sticks, sticks or poles
Video Cameras
Monopods and Tripods
Weapons - Knives, box-cutters, firearms, etc. All items and patrons are subject to additional inspection prior to entering the concert bowl. We appreciate your patience for this required safety protocol.